The Peacekeeper Volume 12, Issue 10 | Page 12

Volume 12, Issue 10 Page 12 The PEACEKEEPER Important Contact Information Chapter Information Region Information Commanding Officer VADM Glen Diebold [email protected] Regional Coordinator RADM Wayne L. Augustson [email protected] First Officer CAPT Mingka Layman Vice RC ADM Bob Vosseller [email protected] Executive Officer/Security & Morale Officer RADM Thomas Pawelczak Chief of Staff RADM Jeff Victor Charity Coordinator CMDR Joanne Schoenthaler Editor / Chief of Media Services / Second Officer / JAG CMDR Jeffrey Triz [email protected] Submission Guidelines: ?? Submissions for the Peacekeeper must be received by midnight EST, the 25th of the month. Anything missing this deadline will be considered as time and space allow or for inclusion in the next issue. ?? Please do not embed articles or photos in your email, instead send them as separate attachment files. I’m for this because then I can save the attachments to my hard drive, which makes designing the newsletter that much easier and faster. ?? Please send all articles in MS Word document (.doc), plain text (.txt) or Rich Text File (.rtf). ?? Please send pictures as .jpg or .gif files. Make sure to send them cropped the way you’d like to see them published (or you don’t get to complain about how I crop them!!) On occasion I may need to crop or resize photo due to size or space limitations. ?? Please inform me of the name, rank and position/title (if applicable) of each person in your pictures. You may know who they are and what they do, but the rest of us don’t, so please tell us. Also, if you would like a specific caption to appear with the photo, please include it as well. I will make every effort to use it. ?? Please run a spelling and grammar check on all articles before submitting. Send submissions & inquires to: [email protected] Disclaimer: This is the official newsletter for the USS Niagara, NCC 75634, Region 7, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., and is published 12 times each year. All information contained within this document is to be considered Copyrighted unless otherwise noted. All submissions become the sole property of this newsletter unless otherwise noted. Portions may be reproduced for other STARFLEET newsletters or the Communiqué. Some portions of this document may contain Copyrighted material, and may not be reproduced in any form of media whether printed, magnetic or electronic. For a list of what may be reproduced, contact the Editor of this document. STAR TREK and all references/images to/of STAR TREK are registered trademarks licensed by Paramount Pictures. Any use of these references is for the sole purpose of information, and is not intended to infringe on any rights. As we receive our information from many different sources, we, the newsletter staff, can not be held responsible for any errors or misinformation.