Volume 12, Issue 07
Page 16
Book Review
RADM Thomas Pawelczak Security & Morale Officer
I’m not sure exactly how I came upon this book, I think it might have been a “suggested reading” from Amazon Kindle. Re? gardless, I opted for the eBook edi on instead of the paperback version. It basically follows the usual pa ern of boy joins the mili? tary to escape from a bad situa on at home. Marko Kloos’ hero, Andrew Grayson, comes from a future that is plagued by over pop? ula on, strict food ra oning, lack of educa on and advancement, living in high rise public housing ruled by gang warfare, there’s li le hope of any sort. The Earth is s ll fragmented into na onal en? claves warring over limited resources as well as room in space for new colonies. But travel to the stars is expensive and the compe ? on for the limited openings is ?erce. You can take your chances qualifying as a colonist or you can take your chances to be chosen for the North American Armed Forces. Either way, only the cream of the cream will be chosen. Andre