The Passed Note Issue 10 June 2019 | Page 7

Three years ago, when I began The Passed Note, I had an end date in mind. A similar magazine, Crow Toes Quarterly, published every three months for four years, and then faded quietly. Four years, I thought, is a respectable amount of time. A good end date. High school, after all, is four years. College, too. But here we are at the end of year three, and I have no intention of ceasing publication next year.

However, the project is quite an undertaking. For all of The Passed Note staff, this project is a labor of love. We are mothers, full-time workers, teachers, students, doctoral candidates, writers of our own books and collections. We adore this project, but want it to continue as sustainably as possible. We want to maintain a level of writing and publishing that is innovative and chall-enging. We are so thrilled to enter our fourth year of publication, but feel that the project needs adjustments in order to continue at the same level of quality. This issue will be the last of our

Editor's Note