The Passed Note Issue 10 June 2019 | Page 24

rehearsed. Mr. Dubbs went down the steps.

Bobby must have read the worried look on my face. “Ok, just one picture. Not nude, but doing something embarrassing. I don’t know, drooling in her sleep, or shaving her legs.”

He came closer to me and I breathed in the staleness of his gum. “I like this,” he added, and he put his hands on my hips. He gently tugged at my shirt that I had neatly tucked into my skirt.

I had no idea what to say so I just nodded. I was hot and cold and the same time, and I so wanted to kiss him. He drew in closer. His lips were warm, and his hands gripped my shirt tighter until the downstairs door clanged open and squeaky steps raced up the stairs.

We immediately broke apart. Mr. Dubbs coughed, looked at us over his glasses, and made sure we left the stairwell before he disappeared again into the upstairs hallway.

As we walked towards the cafeteria, Bobby whispered, “I like kissing you.”

I smiled.

“My dad has to work this weekend. I have the house to myself,” he looked at me expecting a reaction. He was panting slightly, his warm bre-