The Parade April 2013 | Page 19

Music classifies as Afro Beat, is highly easy on the ears with catchy sing-along lyrics. It is a soft jazzy sound where rhythm is key. He personally leads on the vocals, and also plays the guitar and the mbira. His backup band consists of Norman Masamba on guitar, Pritchard Chikwanha on bass guitar, Simba Dembedza on drums with Vusa Moyo handling the engineering part. Born in 1974 in Shurugwi after his parents had to make an unscheduled stop to welcome their son into the world, Victor has always been an artist who gets where he wants to go. “From primary school, I used to draw. That was the most accessible form of art because all I needed was a pencil and a piece of paper. I was very good with my hands and I did art at Advanced Level then went into the advertising industry doing drawing and graphi ??8?'H?X???X?[???]]\?X??\?[??[?\????[???[[???[K?[??[?[????? H[?[???X???\?[?XYH?\?H???]^Z[???[\?H??[[?\????X]Y?]?\??[?K?[?H?[????XHY??????[??[]?^[?[?[??]][??\?B?]\?X??\?Z?[??\?H?\?[?\?K???'??XHYH?\?X\?[X?H?[??[?H??[??K??[?H?\?[???H?K?H?Z[Y?]?[?XZ?H][??H]Y][???X?]\?HH]Y]YH?\?????HYX\?]\??HXYH?\?H]H?\?]H????B?]Y]YH[?\?[YHH?X??YYY 8?'H?[???B??[Z[?\??\??H?\?]ZX??H??[?Y???HB??Y?[??\???&H?[??H?[?[??B?\?[??Z\?Y[\?[?[??X?[YH?H???H???[?[?????[??^??Y\??[?B??[?[??[? ??H?[?H??\??X\?X\?[[??Y\?^???Y?\?[?XY?Z?]\?H[??^YB?X[?]?H\?H??YH?H??[]\?X?X[????XYH[?[\?\??[??H[?[???X??\?H\?[?Y?Z\???????Y[???'[???H^\?H[]?\?[??\???Y][??][?H?H?]????\?[?[B??X?]\?H]?\???[?]?\?H?YK?H?Y[?\??\???H?[?\?Z[?Y[? ?]?[?B????\??Y\??[??]?[[???[?HX?B??\?H??Z[??[?X?]\?HH?Y[??B??\???[?Y\[?H[??[Y ??'B?Y?\?H?X??\????X?\?Y?H[? ? ???X???[???HY?\??\?????X??YB?H?[ ][YH]\?X?X[?[?H\?]\?Z[?Y??Y\H?????[????Z[???]??Z\?\??[?H??[????Z[????X??\?X\??YY???H[?^H]?B????[?[?]?ZH[?X[?ZK??H\?YH H?[X?X??x?&\?[???XYY?\?[HXY?^?[?B??\?[ ? L??Y?H NB??