The Parade April 2013 | Page 12

Feature constructing a five star hotel in Masvingo, Lees Inn, which is located in the plush Rhodene low density surburb. He has, however, promised to pay back the $4 million he owes depositors from proceeds from the hotel within a period of 12 months. Many are not convinced he will meet this deadline. In a similar case, another pastor with Pentecostal Harvest International church, Naison Nyachuru, also had his licence cancelled last year, He was the director of All Angles money lending company in Masvingo. He owed depositors $2 million. Nyachuru fled the country and is on the run but some of his assets were auctioned after some depositors took the matter with the courts. He is believed to be in India. The police said they are looking for him. Before he fled, Nyachuru was living a flamboyant life, driving top of the range cars as well as holidaying with his family at the expense of depositors. When his money lending company went bust, sources said he was left with just a quarter of the money after he squandered much on trips abroad. And as if Chipamba and Nyachuru are not enough to paint the men of the cloth with a black brush, another senior ZAOGA member, Honest Chatikobo, the director of Paramount money lending company also had his licence cancelled after being fingered in unethical business transactions that saw thousands of civil servants being cheated. Chatikobo owed depositors $2 million. He had built a private boarding college, Paramount Academy in Masvingo town and Gutu Mpandawana growth point, and had also bought a fleet of buses and haulage trucks. When all hell broke loose, Chatikobo sold the premises of the private college to Great Zimbabwe University in a bid to pay back the money he owes to depositors. And now Dube, who was left licking his wounds, says he now takes the biblical verse which talks about false prophets seriously. Matthew 7:15 reads; “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are Page 12 RBZ probe opens can of worms Wallace Mawire A n investigation by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) into operations of the country’s Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) and money-lending institutions has exposed a plethora of illegal activities by the institutions impacting on the country’s economic development. The targeted examinations were conducted at the end of 2012 by Norma Mataruka, RBZ Senior Division Chief and Registrar of Micro finance Institutions and results of the investigation have now been shared with members of the Zimbabwe Association of Micro-Finance Institutions (ZAMFI). According to Mataruka, the investigations were triggered by high incidences of non-compliance with the Money-lending and Rates of Interest Act (Chapter 14:14) and regulatory requirements. They (investigations) were meant to assess the adequacy of corporate governance structures put in place by MFIs and business conditions of the institutions. Also examined was the legitimacy of sources of funding and general business ferocious wolves. Matthew 24 vs 11 reads, ”... and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people”. The disgruntled pensioner says he is appealing to government to help some of the powerless depositors recover t h e i r money. “ S o m e powerful people got back their m o n e y after they threatened The Parade - Zimbabwe’s Most Read Lifestyle Magazine activities, lending activities and quality of the micro-finance sector loan portfolio, condition and performance of the MFIs and compliance with applicable laws and regulations including statutory reporting mechanisms. Besides, the commission of inquiry also sought to assess whether MFIs were implementing and complying with core client protection principles, according to Mataruka. She says the massive investigation revealed that there were 170 registere ?)????????????)???)???????????)?????????????????????????????????)????????+????????????+????????????????????????????)????????????????????????)????????+??????????????????????+??????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????+????????????????????????????)=?????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)???????)?????)????????)??)???????)???????????????????????????????)5%??Z?) ??????????????? ??$????????)????????$?????e???????????$???????)??????????????????????????????)?????t?????????Q@()????????((0