The Panafrican Review Rwanda Edition | Page 5


05 will challenge the party ’ s value system in word and in deed . This would essentially form “ two parties ” within the same party : the corrupt wing and the wing that remains true to the founding principles of the party . Ultimately the power of impunity would triumph as the corrupt wing might overthrow the principled wing .

The party would gradually decay as corruption and decadence might become entrenched in its operations . The sacrifices of those whose blood was spilt in the liberation struggle would then amount to nothing . The sense of urgency that many subscribed to and , as a result , dedicated their lives to hard work and sleepless nights , would amount to wasted energy . Out of frustration of what would have become of their party , the principled wing would walk out to form a breakaway party – to start afresh . With state power in the hands of the corrupt , all the breakaway group would boast of would be principles , which they would be unable to effect in practice . In private conversations ,
RPF Extended National Executive Committee meeting | Kigali , 26 June 2020