Because of physical bullying last year more than 160,000 kids have stayed home to avoid seeing their bully. When I they are staying home they will not get the education that they need in order to move to them next grade if they continue to get bullied they will fear school more and more to the point of just dropping out of school or being kicked out because they have missed so many days. Bullying doesn't only affect the victim but the bully also by the age of 24 60% of bullies will be charged off with a least one crime. Because no one was there to stop when they were little they most likely thought that it was ok to continue to do what they want because no one had ever told them not to. 83% of physical bullying receive no intervention and continue to happen. Victim continue to have to have to go to school and let someone make them feel bad and it doesn't help that no one is there to help them so it makes it seems like they really are worth less to everyone around them.
There are many people working on trying to prevent bullying there are many hot lines that the bully can call in order for them to vent and for them to tell someone one about their problem and how they can get over being bullied some of the websites let you chose to be anonymous and other tell you that you have to but your name and your email in order to talk to them. But there are many other people doing things to help prevent bullying like your favorite celebrity they may be trying to promote awareness to the problem and that there is always a way to get away from bullying.