The pain behind the smile (May. 2014) | Page 14

Did you know teens are getting physically bullied? I know you most likely do because anti bullying is everywhere these days it can be from an assembly at school or it could be that your favorite singer promoting it. Bullying is everywhere but most people don't really look at the different sides of bullying. When they look at the different sections of bullying they always see cyber bullying has the biggest impact on this generations teen. But what about the kids that have to face their bully every day they just can’t delete their social media account they have to keep going on with getting bullied until they get the confidence to speak up and say something.

Physical bullying or bullying in total has impacts on its victims. There are many things that the victim can suffer from SoCal withdrawn where they will sit in the back of the class and not talk to anyone and just keep to themselves. They can start having trust issues if they are to move to a new school they find it hard to make new friends because they have to find out that they can trust them and that can take them a long time depending on how badly they were hurt. They may also lose friends because they might feel that they don't want to get bullied so they will leave the victim and not talk to them anymore. There is a lot more that the victim can suffer from like depression, self-harm, suicide attempts and thoughts. There can be many causes to bullying like the bully may like the victim and doesn't know how to express his or her feelings. Or it may be that the bully was bullied them self and doesn't want to show that they are weak. I could also be the way the bully was raised and they were thought to defend themselves.