The PaddlerUK magazine September 2015 issue 4 | Page 69
One thing that stands out when viewing the
bay is its size. At roughly 450 square miles, it is
a vast network of tidal inlets, small bays and
large areas of marsh and wetlands. The
wetlands attract large numbers of birds, which
are a delight to many who enjoy photography
and the kayak is that perfect vehicle to get you
in close. The Great Blue Heron, White Egret,
Cormorant, Western Grebe, surf scoters,
Loons, all sorts of different types of ducks and
many, many others thrive here, some year
round, others migrate in only for the winter.
One of my best memories is being just inside
Point Bonita on a beautiful, bright, sunny day,
eating lunch in the boat and realizing I was
completely surrounded, right smack dab in the
middle of a group of hundreds of Western
Grebe, as they actively dove for fish, paddled
along and/or cleaned themselves and
socialized! I just relaxed and floated along
with them while eating a sandwich, that’s
worth the price of the admission I’d say!