The PaddlerUK magazine September 2015 issue 4 | Page 59
and enjoying
wild adventures
I love being outside and for me one of life’s simplest pleasures is to paddle a canoe or
kayak with my camping gear and spend the night in a remote location. My adventures,
great and small have seen me canoe, kayak, bike and ski almost 8,000 miles of trips and
expeditions, plus of course lots of day to day paddling. Each one is special for a
multitude of reasons, the team sharing the journey, food cooked on a stove or
campfire and of course colours, wildlife and other shared moments.
By Richard
My canoe trips have seen me
paddle the Great Glenn
Canoe Trail twice including
the river sections, the length
of the Great Ouse (140
miles), the River Till, parts of
the Tweed and Severn, much
of the Wye and Thames as
well as various other
locations further afield. In
2010 our Big 5 kayak
challenge team canoed 700
miles of the Yukon River. One
of my most memorable jaunts
was to canoe around Holy
Island, Lindisfarne with my
expedition buddy and owner
of Active 4 Seasons Olly Jay.
This resulted in time ‘canoeing
with dolphins’ and a little
swim after surfing in a big
wave around the northern
sand bar.
This article is intended to
provide some ideas and tips
to help inspire you to dust off
your canoe (or sea kayak)
and plan a journey.