The PaddlerUK magazine September 2015 issue 4 | Page 30

PADDLERUK 30 Ben Marr Nachvak River, Labrador, Canada “It is impossible to nail down a favourite river for me, there are too many factors and every river is beautiful. The Stikine is high on the list, rugged and beautiful, hard big whitewater. I am writing this from a lodge under an hour from the put-in waiting for water levels to come down. I love paddling in northern Quebec so much as well with huge volume and large surf waves. “However, right now, to answer the question, I will put forward my favourite river trip to date – the Nachvak River in Labrador. Besides the adventure involved in accessing and descending the river over 16 days, it is firstly hiking into the Nachvak through northern Quebec, descending the river, then hiking out to another drainage where we paddled to the sea. It was special to me to work so hard in Canada to descend a river I had looked at for years, so that is my favourite river trip and it is a pretty beautiful place as well.”