The PaddlerUK magazine May 2015 issue 2 | Page 79

On our arrival in Sulawesi, we set off on our warm up trip on the Maulu, one of the main rafting runs in Toraja. It was the perfect warm up – easy kayaking in a stunning gorge with iguanas jumping into the river in front of you every few metres. It felt so good to have arrived, and to be on a river as a group despite not having previously met two of the team! Takeout for the Lariang – Amy Elworthy Putting up the hammocks – Amy Elworthy the Matallo (we ended up walking out due to rising river levels and illness within the group), and a twoday New Year’s trip on the Sa’dan rafting run, a lovely conclusion to our holiday. The kayaking was fantastic, mostly continuous grade 4, ranging from the low volume Rongkong (grade 3) up to the big volume style of the Lariang and Sa’dan. Definitely enough to keep us entertained, with the added excitement of having no idea what was around each corner. It gave me the opportunity to push my leading skills, knowing that Beth was right behind me if I got something wrong or chickened out of going first. I also discovered how the 9R paddles with kit in the back – the answer is really well. Once I got used to it, it tracked on line perfectly and punched through holes with ease. Very happy! Of course, it is not an expedition without a bit of carnage On the Massupu we had been warned about a nasty rapid which could be difficult to walk around in high water. On the second day, we reached the entrance to a gorge and a rather ominous looking horizon line. Sure enough this was the portage; the river-left side a disgusting mess of siphons with a tree across the whole river. The river-right side was a shallow slide into a pool and then involved paddling through a gap under a giant boulder to escape. Massupu portage – Beth Morgan After the success of our first day we were all excited for the rest of our trip. Despite a few logistical and transport issues (including the discovery of the lack of road to one of the rivers we planned on doing), we managed plenty of paddling in our three weeks: a three-day multi-day warm-up on the Massupu, a couple of hours on the Rongkong rafting run (to break up a ten-hour truck journey), four days on the Lariang, two days on an attempted first descent on ThePaddlerUK 79