The PaddlerUK magazine March 2015 issue 1 | Page 72

ThePaddlerUK 72 Rebecca on El Salto Credit Tim Burne TiM BURne ToP RiveR exPeRience:  The oTheRS MighT lynch Me foR SAying ThiS, BUT The MoST MeMoRABle RiveR foR Me wAS PRoBABly The SAnTA MARiA. noT So MUch foR The qUAliTy of RiveR – TheRe weRe SoMe nice RAPidS, BUT TheRe wAS An enoRMoUS flAT SecTion And SoMe of The MoRe MeATy RAPidS weRe A liTTle hARd (And SiPhon filled) foR oUR SMAll TeAM MeAning A fAiR ShARe of PoRTAgeS. howeveR,The STUnning TAKeoUT followed By The AdvenTUReS TRying (And foR A long TiMe fAiling) To find oUR dRiveR MAde foR An enTeRTAining SToRy – in ReTRoSPecT AT leAST. i love A good doSe of dRAMA!