The PaddlerUK magazine December 2015 issue 5 | Page 12

PADDLERUK 12 W hat got you hooked on WW kayaking? I first tried kayaking on a school trip out of the city and into the Lake District. Ultimately I loved kayaking from those first few wobbly strokes on flat water but I think what got me hooked on white water was the constantly changing challenges and environment, the inner desire to progress to the next level and the friends I have made along the way. Which do you prefer: taking part in competitions such as the Freestyle World Champs or big water expeditions and why? I like competing but I can get pretty tired of waiting around for rides, going through opening ceremonies, etc… The type of kayaking I enjoy the most is with my friends either cruising down a river or surfing a glassy wave and working on new tricks. Photo: Rob Harris Preparing for big competitions such as the Freestyle Worlds is a hard task. Talk us through your pre-event routine and how you get into the zone for a big event. Before we start – just let our readers know a little about you, your family, background, etc. My name is Bren Orton, I am 21 years old and from a little town called Warrington in England and I really like kayaking. I mostly just go and hide away from everyone, Visualize my ride a few times, listen to music and then go send it. My strategy is to always go big or go home. I will either pull off my dream ride or crash and burn. It isn’t the smartest strategy for someone looking to be consistent in competitions but it is the only way that I enjoy competing. Apart from extreme kayaking – are there any other areas of paddling you would like to explore? I would love to try sea kayaking. I really like the idea of travelling by kayak and getting to places purely by man power.