The Paddler Magazine Issue 80 Autumn/Fall 2024 | Page 54

Paddler Spotlight :

Share your stories

What is the Paddler Spotlight ? The Paddler Spotlight is a monthly commitment from Paddle UK to showcase case studies , events , experiences , and a broader range of stories from our wonderful community to address the lack of representation of particular communities across paddling .
paddleuk . org . uk
Through the National Inclusion Survey , we received lots of feedback that we need to improve the diversity and representation of our imagery and stories – to share more from people of different backgrounds , identities , and experiences . We recognise that our media lacks diversity when it comes to ethnic diversity and the representation of people with disabilities , for example , and we hope to make positive changes through this initiative .
How can I share my story for the Paddler Spotlight ?
All you have to do is share your story with us via our form here : https :// forms . paddleuk . org . uk / live / form / PaddlerS potlightSubmissionForm / formperma / iAXLmSEzU1 MxAZ5Wef0sZcYnNjA7frZQGK0XRWPeILI or if you prefer to send us an email , get in touch at mediaenquiries @ paddleuk . org . uk . We ’ ll do the rest ! Don ’ t forget to include photos to bring your story to life .
You can submit your story as an individual or on behalf of someone else or a group . You can also tell us about events that you might be running ; initiatives you ’ re supporting throughout the year ; case studies on clubs or deliverers running programmes to connect paddling with new communities ; or spotlights on individuals breaking down barriers and working hard to make our sport more equitable , diverse and inclusive .
How we ’ ll share your story
We strive to share as many stories as we can from across the paddling community , and we do our best to ensure these are aligned with the many awareness and celebration days , weeks and months as possible . We ’ re hopeful that we ’ ll see lots of submissions through our form , so please bear with us as we process them – there will be no guarantee that your submission will be shared the month you submit it , but it may appear in later months , so keep an eye out .
For more guidance on what we ’ re looking for and how to submit your story , download our guidance document here : https :// paddleuk . org . uk / wpcontent / uploads / shared-files / british-canoeingcentral-documents / Paddler-Spotlight-Guidance- Document . pdf
Share your story here : https :// forms . paddleuk . org . uk / live / form / PaddlerS potlightSubmissionForm / formperma / iAXLmSEzU1 MxAZ5Wef0sZcYnNjA7frZQGK0XRWPeILI . Check out our most recent Paddler Spotlight , where we caught up with # ShePaddles Ambassador Hester Hearn about the work she ’ s been doing in collaboration with the Herts Disability Sports Foundation ( HDSF ) to support their paddling sessions for adults and children with physical and / or learning disabilities below and check out all the spotlights from this year : https :// paddleuk . org . uk / category / all-news / edi /.