The Paddler Magazine Issue 80 Autumn/Fall 2024 | Page 51

One stand-out moment where my and Louise ’ s difference in experience came true was on the first rapid on the ‘ top section ’ of the Soca , which finishes by the Prijon shop . This rapid has some serious consequences for paddleboarders as there is a large undercut wall at the bottom of the rapid . With this in mind , I paddled down the rapid to help set up safety from the large beach eddy .
Paddlers came down one by one to regroup in the eddy , some of whom received a throw line to prevent them from swimming into the syphon . On Louise ’ s turn , she took a tumble and lost contact with her board . Defensively swimming calmly and collected , she soon started staring down the syphon . A line was thrown , yet Louise did not accept it ; she pressed her feet onto the solid rock wall next to the syphon , pushed off , and ferry-gilded her body around the hazard and back to her board safety .
Feeling perplexed , I later asked why she didn ’ t accept the throw line . She explained that due to her limited dexterity and strength in gripping the throw rope , she opted to rely on her 40 years of experience to keep herself safe .
In November this year , we once again found each other in Scotland in a diverse group of individuals in the Spean Gorge . The seven paddlers ’ ages covered every decade from their 20s to 60s , and while on this peer paddle , we all helped each other in very different ways . We took turns setting up safety , discussing lines down the rapids with different views , taking photos and videos , and coaching those who asked for guidance .