The Paddler Magazine Issue 80 Autumn/Fall 2024 | Page 44

After such an illustrious start , you would think that packrafting would have taken off . But far from it . Any future developments in the concept of a portable , inflatable watercraft that could be easily transported in a backpack whilst hiking had to wait another 100 years . The adaption of military survival and aeroplane rescue rafts after WW II opened the concept of packrafting for travel and exploration . Slowly and surely , purpose-made packrafts appeared via inventors and were tested by explorers keen to exploit their portability in remote white water river locations . Notable packrafting companies , including Alpacka Raft Co ., American Safety Equipment Corp . and Curtis Designs , started to appear .
Alpacka classic https :// alpackaraft . com / products / classic / Alpacka refuge https :// alpackaraft . com / products / refuge / Kokopelli Packraft Rogue R-deck https :// kokopelli . com / products / rogue-r-deckremovable-spraydeck / Kokopelli Recon Self-Bailing https :// kokopelli . com / products / recon-self-bailing /
John R Dean is a performance coach for white water canoes and kayaks . He was the first person in the UK to hold the dual awards ( UKCC Level 3 ). He is also a Paddles UK Assessor for open water and white water canoe leader and coach awards , standup paddleboard white water leader and white water coach awards , and the white water safety award . Sam N Dean is a performance coach in open canoe ( UKCC Level 3 ). He is a provider of performance coach , coach and instructor awards from the British Canoe Awarding Body ; Sam is also a trainer / assessor for leadership awards across advanced and moderate water environments in canoe , standup paddleboard and white water kayak .
A thoroughly resourced book : Packrafting – A UK Manual . Jason Taylor , Pesda Press Ltd ., 2023 . ISBN : 978- 1-906095-91-8 . www . pesdapress . com / index . php / product / packrafting-a-uk-manual /
Youtube has many valuable and informative articles on packrafting safety , rolling a packraft , outfitting and rigging a packraft , as well as some fantastic expedition trips to view to both entertain and excite you as well as you start to dream and then plan what your next trip is going to be .
Alluvia Packraft http :// alluviaraft . com Alpacka Raft http :// alpackaraft . com Anfibio www . anfibio . com Aqua Xtreme Packrafts www . aqua-xtreme . com Helsport Packrafts www . helsport . com Itiwit Packraft www . itiwit . co . uk Klymit Packraft www . klymit . com Kokopelli https :// kokopelli . com MRS packraft www . mrsraft . com Nortik Rafts www . outdoorxl . eu NRS Packraft www . nrs . com Robfin Packraft http :// robfin . cz Uncharted Supply Co http :// unchartedsupplyco . com Verano Packraft www . veranoinflatables . co . uk