The Paddler Magazine Issue 80 Autumn/Fall 2024 | Page 18

These weren ’ t the only obstacles either . The group had to share their landing craft with a group of tourists in WWII paraphernalia and their amphibious ‘ DUKW ’, which had the unintended consequence of blocking the back of the craft , while the front couldn ’ t be lowered as it hasn ’ t been used in over a year . Nonetheless , the group managed to get their kayaks back in the water and keep the boat rotation going , even when they also had to tie a broken-down support boat to the back of the LCU !
The expedition certainly embodied the oft-quoted maxim that no plan survives contact with the enemy , but every single time there was a problem , the veterans came up with a solution .
As Joe said , “ While in no way comparable , meeting unexpected challenges was exactly as it happened on D- Day , where there were numerous problems on the beaches , some of which weren ’ t cleared as the Marines thought they ’ d be . But if anything , this was more important from a mental health and rehabilitation point of view for the guys involved . It was great to see some things go wrong and for them to push through it , and the impact on individuals who ’ ve been out of it for so long was huge .”
Lee added , “ You can plan as much as you want , but if there ’ s anything above a force 5 , it ’ s game over – and this was looking very marginal when we set up . Force 5 in a Klepper is manageable as long as it ’ s not wind over tide , and luckily we had the tide with us . But we were constantly thinking about the ‘ what ifs ’ and how we would get back on the LCU if needed . We ’ re lucky with the blokes we ’ ve got , who are the sort of people who would take a wave in the face , keep that sense of purpose , and focus on the task at hand . For example , the bladder in one of our boats broke down , meaning they were paddling sideways , but the next morning , we fixed it and kept going . I always say that the sea is a really good healing environment . Placed back in that team environment where you ’ re trusted and relied upon , these guys can adapt , overcome and carry on .”
The Royal Marines ’ values of courage , determination , unselfishness , and cheerfulness in the face of adversity were still being practised 80 years after D-Day . This explains why , even though so much time has passed , the Normandy landings are still relevant today .