Fig . 8
Fig . 8
As I continued to explore this more intuitive approach , I found myself making sketches that showed the play of forces for each of the basic manoeuvres . Each drawing would show the blade angle , paddle position , paddle movement and the corresponding movement of the canoe , along with a few simple verbal descriptions . As I write , I have made 53 drawings that cover all the basic forward , backward , onside and offside turns . I highly recommend making simple drawings for oneself to internalise the play of forces involved in all basic manoeuvres . I include Figure 8 as an example showing the elements involved in a Sculling Pry .
Lastly , while I have made some tentative beginnings at weaving together a sequence of basic manoeuvres to music , I am also developing sequences without music . In this case , I weave together very simple moves that may be too subtle and slow to be effective when performing a given piece of music . I find weaving together simple and modest manoeuvres in a harmonious manner lends itself to the contemplative potential of paddling a canoe . If others include some contemplative dimension to their repertoire of canoeing options , perhaps opportunities would arise to share such efforts together .
In any event , the conversational dynamic of listening to our paddle and canoe and its contemplative potential seem like dimensions of FreeStyle worthy of further development .