The Paddler Magazine Issue 79 Late Summer 2024 | Page 22

PADDLER 22 with a group of four women calling themselves the Bowron Babes , who , like the Lake Slayers , were taking a day off to recover at the cabin . They caught a beautiful 4lb lake trout in the morning , which we helped prepare and cook for lunch over the fire . It was a good day for our souls and group camaraderie .
PADDLER 22 with a group of four women calling themselves the Bowron Babes , who , like the Lake Slayers , were taking a day off to recover at the cabin . They caught a beautiful 4lb lake trout in the morning , which we helped prepare and cook for lunch over the fire . It was a good day for our souls and group camaraderie .
The fifth day of the trip was befitting of an odyssey . Despite a weather report calling for 50km winds out of the northwest , we knew we needed to try and slay some lakes . Once on the water , though , we were immediately padding into a fierce headwind that would not relent for six hours . My Northstar Canoes ’ Polaris ’ performed admirably on this day , keeping upright and cutting through the chop . However , the icy rain and whitecaps left us cold and wet as we reached camp at Unna Lake around 16:00 , where we hurried to build a bonfire , hot drinks and dehydrated butter chicken to warm up . While our gear was soaked , our spirits were not . Maybe it was the roaring fire or perhaps the dram of Japanese whiskey , but we all shared some good laughs recounting the difficult day that was .
The morning greeted us with a bluebird sky for the first time since day one . The serene surroundings of Unna Lake were reflected in its calm waters as we dried out our gear in the morning sun . After breakfast , we ventured out across the lake to check out the magnificent Cariboo Falls , and on the way , we came across a prolific blueberry patch you needed to see to believe . Returning from the falls , we encountered our friends , the Bowron Babes , as well as a cow moose and her two calves , who seemed unbothered by our