The Paddler Magazine Issue 78 Summer 2024 | Page 23

Well , I won ’ t give you my favourite destinations because you might visit them ! But on the fringes of the season , when it ’ s still a bit miserable in the UK , I like to head south . The key places that are beautiful for kayaking are the Bay of Morbihan in France , the Deception Pass in America , around the Mediterranean , north of Barcelona around Palamos , and some of the Greek islands , which are fabulous .
industry . We have a prosthetic flesh-coloured Aquatherm fabric that we manufacture as skin suits or under suits or very tight dry suits for the film industry , so when you see heroines or villains in water scenes who look like they are wearing normal clothes , they have often got our flesh-coloured thermals underneath to keep them lovely and warm .
Examples of films we have worked on are the Harry Potter films , James Bond , and Game of Thrones , to name drop a few , and we are very well known throughout the film industry . The great thing about us being able to produce all of our fabrics and all of our products in-house is that we can turn completely bespoke items around within hours , so we often get films calling up in a blind panic and wanting ten sets of thermals for ‘ A ’ list actors which get sent out the same day , ‘ jetting off ’ to Pinewood , Warner Bros and locations all over the world .
Are there any little secrets in the Reed Chillcheater pipeline that you can tell us about ? We are constantly striving to maintain our quality , but there are always a few tweaks in terms of growing the range . The range is big enough ; there are 140 styles over four or five colourways and seven sizes . That ’ s tens of thousands of different skews that we must try to ensure are in stock to keep our customers happy . We have recently been working on , and are about to launch , an adjustment to our Tuiliq , which is a Greenland-style garment . It is a deck and a cag with face and wrist closures that keep you pretty warm and dry when you ’ re rolling endlessly , and we have adapted the face closures with a neoprene fabric , so watch this space .
When preparing for long periods at sea in challenging conditions – what are the qualities you look for in a fellow sea kayaker ? I don ’ t do too many long periods at sea ; I tend to stick within a mile or two of the shore . I think companionship is a good thing ; you have to make sure you get on with the people you are out with ! We support many expeditions , which are pretty lengthy , and with plenty of time when you ’ re away from civilisation , people always come back in and talk about how they have ( or haven ’ t ) got on with each other . Keeping it fun can be challenging , and I suppose you only test some of these traits when conditions are tricky , when conditions get bad , when storms kick up , or when you have to lockdown for a few days or weeks . Some people have been locked down in Iceland or other places for weeks , and that ’ s when I think friendships are tested .
Do you have any favourite conditions for sea kayaking , or are you happy with whatever Mother Nature bowls your way on the day ? I love most conditions , and I feel confident now in my ability to cope in most situations . I ’ m not stupid ; I think if the conditions are awful , like maybe a force five or six , and it ’ s blowing a hooley , I ’ d rather be in the pub or on my push bike or doing something on land . So let ’ s not get foolish , but I love a bit of everything .
What ’ s the most enjoyable encounter with wildlife that you ’ ve had ? I got hit on the head by a stag , and it shat all over my back when I was paddling an open crossing in the Outer Hebrides ( is that enjoyable ?) It came off the rocks and looked as if it was aiming directly at me , but it was probably aiming for the sea and didn ’ t have the option to divert . It just came straight down and bounced off the back of my head , crapping all over me and covering me in oily poop . Well , it made everyone laugh .
If you could capture just one ‘ feel good ’ moment in your time on the ocean – which would it be ? Those crystal-clear winter paddling days when you get the sunshine , the blue skies , the clear water , you know your gear is alright , and you ’ ve got a few friends around – these are the feel-good days I savour .
After all your years on the ocean , what still scares you on a paddle ? The packing , the preparation . I wonder if I ’ ve got the right stuff , but I guess once you ’ ve done it dozens or hundreds of times , you get better at it . I probably underpack and rely on luck , if anything ! I don ’ t put too much stuff in , but I ’ ve never been caught out yet . There ’ s still a chance . Yep , here I am , admitting that packing for a trip scares me .
Any other types of paddling or sports interest you ? Yes . In the winter , when the weather ’ s rubbish in the UK and there ’ s not much light , I use an ocean-racing ski . Once or twice a week , I meet up with a group of friends and go out on the river from Barnstable . We normally do about an hour or 10 kilometres and just keep our paddling fitness up . We have a good laugh and often end up in Spoons for a pint afterwards as well . Good times .

What advice would you give your younger self ? Do the same again ; it ’ s been brilliant . Apart from a few personal things that I would do differently , on a business front , I would just do the same again . It ’ s always tempting to go for the big bucks , but I have really enjoyed keeping under the radar . Not striving for the bigger things means you don ’ t get as wealthy , but it ’ s nice to have less stress . www . chillcheater . com “


Well , I won ’ t give you my favourite destinations because you might visit them ! But on the fringes of the season , when it ’ s still a bit miserable in the UK , I like to head south . The key places that are beautiful for kayaking are the Bay of Morbihan in France , the Deception Pass in America , around the Mediterranean , north of Barcelona around Palamos , and some of the Greek islands , which are fabulous .