The Paddler Magazine Issue 77 Early Summer 2024 | Page 82

Words : Ian Jones Photos : Ian Jones & Andy Holt
Hands up , who ’ s heard of the Piatua ? Not many , I would surmise . Joe Public will have heard of rivers such as the Zambezi and the Nile . Boaters will have heard of the Futalafeu and the Marsyandi , but I wager there are not many people who have heard of the Piatua unless you are Ecuadorian or have paddled it .

The best river you ’ ve never heard of …


Words : Ian Jones Photos : Ian Jones & Andy Holt

Hands up , who ’ s heard of the Piatua ? Not many , I would surmise . Joe Public will have heard of rivers such as the Zambezi and the Nile . Boaters will have heard of the Futalafeu and the Marsyandi , but I wager there are not many people who have heard of the Piatua unless you are Ecuadorian or have paddled it .