The Paddler Magazine Issue 77 Early Summer 2024 | Page 80

Huge thanks , Jim , for taking the time out for this .
Accepting the fate of the river gods who punted me off the wave . Photographer Daniel Smith

Quickies …

If you could paddle with anyone in the world , dead or alive , who would it be ? My Cousin Seamus is brilliant in a kayak , an amazing person , and has been nothing but supportive of me in the outdoors ! Given that he now lives in New Zealand , we don ’ t get many opportunities to paddle together anymore .
Which famous person would you most like to see play you in a film ? Honestly , I don ’ t watch that many films – I am predominantly outside , so I ’ m just going to go with the only famous person I ’ ve ever been told I look like ( I totally disagree ): Channing Tatum ( apparently by one person ).
An ideal night out for you is ? Any night with friends having a climb , paddle or social catch up .
What one luxury item would you take with you on a desert island ? Besides a surf SUP , of course , I might have a Dalmore Whisky as I sit and enjoy listening to the waves and looking out at the sea .
What would I find in your fridge right now ? Tons of grapes and blueberries I love those !
What would you prepare for us if we came to your house for dinner ? That would depend on dietary requirements , but maybe a Risotto for the main and a carrot , banana , and walnut cake for dessert .
Which one sportsman / woman has inspired you ? Chris Morgan ( a USA SUP boarder involved with Hala as well ) is out of this world good on a SUP ( probably the best in the world and certainly far better than anyone I have ever seen or paddled with – I don ’ t even come close to his level of good !). He is so welcoming , friendly , down-to-earth , supportive , and chilled out .
Surfs up on the Garry . Photographer Jess Phillips
If you could be a superhero for one day , what superpower would you choose and why ? The ability to breathe underwater allows me to try gnarlier water without as much trepidation at the swims !
What is your favourite sports team ? Honestly , I don ’ t watch much sport on the TV as I ’ m normally outside day and night enjoying the outdoors . I guess maybe if I had to pick something , then perhaps the Irish rugby team .
Who are your paddlesport mates ? Honestly , anyone who wants to paddle with me has far too many to count or put on paper ! But to name some : Jim , Kirsten , Steve , Mags , George , David , Adam , Sam , Cameron Jess , Emy , Will , Chris … the list goes on . Honestly , I could write pages on this question …
Are there any final shout-outs ? Obviously , to you guys at Paddler Magazine for taking the time out to chat , email , and help the sport of SUP . To all my mates for being amazing – see you on the water next time . To anyone who ever wants to paddle , just drop me a message . To my sponsors and the companies who support me , I couldn ’ t do a fraction of what I do without your help . You are awesome !