The Paddler Magazine Issue 77 Early Summer 2024 | Page 63

Welcome to the latest Paddle UK feature in the Early Summer issue of Paddler Magazine .
The days are getting longer and warmer , and we don ’ t know about you , but we ’ re excited to see the sunshine again . Have you been out on the water for a springtime paddle yet ?
We ’ re looking forward to an exciting and adventure-filled season of paddling ahead . If you ’ re looking for inspiration to get out on the water , look no further . Check out some of our favourite places to paddle , safety tips and advice , a great offer on discounted paddling craft rentals from our partners at Decathlon , and much more …
What if we told you there ’ s a parkrun for paddlers ?
We don ’ t know about you , but we ’ re always looking for new places to paddle . Well , look no further than AquaPaddle . The free , timed 5km social paddle is for all crafts and abilities . So , if you ’ re looking to meet new people and improve your fitness in a safe environment , why not join us this weekend ?
We ’ re proud to support AquaPaddle for a second year by providing safety equipment and information for every event . There are 33 ( and growing !) locations across the UK . Visit the AquaPaddle website to find an event near you : https :// www . aquapaddle . org /
Paddler Spotlight : Kirstie Macmillan on kayaking and autism .
Looking for your next inspiring read for the paddling community ? Check out our latest Paddler Spotlight from Kirstie Macmillan . She talks about her experiences kayaking with autism . It ’ s a great read , and you can check it out on our Paddle UK website here : https :// paddleuk . org . uk / paddler-spotlight-kirstiemacmillan-on-kayaking-and-autism /
Don ’ t get sick doing what you love .
Paddling is great for our health , enjoyment and wellbeing . However , there can be a risk of infection caused by micro-organisms in the natural environment . No one wants to get sick after a wonderful day of paddling , so please check out our tips for paddlers to help prevent it : https :// paddleuk . org . uk / water-quality-dont-getsick-doing-what-you-love /
Paddle safely tips .
Always remember to familiarise yourself with our safety guidance before heading out on the water . We ’ ve broken it down into five key steps : wear a flotation drive ; bring a means of communication ; check the weather ; tell others your plans and finally , always paddle within your ability ! Now you ’ re ready to enjoy the water . Find out more about paddle s afely here : https :// gopaddling . info / safe-paddle-summer / paddleuk . org . uk 63