The Paddler Magazine Issue 77 Early Summer 2024 | Page 60

The dark arts of canoe portaging Here , we explore some top tips and handy hints that cover the dark arts of canoe portaging . The principles still apply whether this is a day trip or a longer expedition . From ideas on making portages less arduous or boat outfitting and equipment set up to make transitions between modes of travel more efficient .

The dark arts of canoe portaging Here , we explore some top tips and handy hints that cover the dark arts of canoe portaging . The principles still apply whether this is a day trip or a longer expedition . From ideas on making portages less arduous or boat outfitting and equipment set up to make transitions between modes of travel more efficient .

1 . Full traditional portaging is best avoided . Explore other options before you commit to lugging all your gear around . Poling , lining , tracking , wading , dragging , moving kit and floating boat are all options .
2 . Staying in the water system is usually the easier option . It may be slower , but your knees and back will thank you .
3 . Scout ahead , try both banks , analyse the map , and look for the path of least resistance . Sometimes , carrying a big bag over a certain terrain is easier than carrying a boat over the same terrain . 4 . Have a plan when prepping for a trip with known portages . Will you be doing the portages in an ‘ oner ’ or in laps of two or three ? Pack kit and equipment into bags according to this .
5 . Canoeing involves a lot of gear , such as paddles , ropes , bailers , poles , helmets , and buoyancy aids . You may want to find a way to carry them . Lashing into your boat and attaching bits to lacing is an option , but it adds weight to an already heavy boat . My top tip is to have a kit bag that is too big for your kit so you can dump other bits into the extra space for portaging , saving dangling kit along the trail .