The Paddler Magazine Issue 77 Early Summer 2024 | Page 54

The reflex was splendid ! They towed the raft with the casualty to the exfil point and immediately divided tasks , taking care of both casualty and boats / equipment .
If people thought we would do the same as yesterday , reconsider ! Different locations and a smaller group . I was a single instructor and was assigned to five paddlers . We started from the small port at Loguivy de la Mer , with a beautiful view over the bay between the mainland and Bréhat isle . We started with dry demos of different rescue and towing set-ups on the nearby beach . It is perfect to show all the details , answer all questions correctly and get to know each other better .
After that , we hit the water . Main goal : reach La Croix lighthouse ! It would be a crusade to get there , although it is only a few kilometres . Some easy-toperform assisted rescues further got us in more trouble ! My kayak started to sink ! The best way to show people how to avoid panic is to perform a rescue and an emergency repair without too much fuss . I got the whole team ’ s attention , and they were

The reflex was splendid ! They towed the raft with the casualty to the exfil point and immediately divided tasks , taking care of both casualty and boats / equipment .

helped each other with tethering their long tow lines to the bow or stern of their boats . It was great to see how people worked so efficiently ; one by one , they swam in , everyone helping the next to arrive and carry away their boats to a higher place as the tide was running in fast . Once on the rock , we could enjoy the view over the whole area ! So , back home . A part of the team went in their kayaks , while some of us jumped off the rocks in deep water . They were helped and put back in their boats quickly . What a nice ending !
I worked with Simon Osbourne from Online Sea Kayaking , UK , on the final day of the workshops – the downside of that particular day was almost no wind . So , despite spring tide , there wouldn ’ t be many waves . No bummer at all ; we adapted along the way . We enthusiastic about the next step . Letting your kayak sink ( partially ) always gives a strange , oppressive feeling since it is unnatural . But this problem was only just solved , and another problem presented itself . Near some solitary rocks , a team member capsized and dislocated his shoulder .
The scoop went considerably fast , but the towing proved more difficult . Due to the stress of such an exercise , the two towers clipped on the wrong side of the raft , hindering each other . After a quick verbal intervention , they got it right . Once into safe water , the comms specialist needed to perform a distress call by VHF radio ( obviously not for real ) before proceeding . The Mayday call was given clearly , with no remarks there . They got a message from the Coast Guard telling them to evacuate to the nearest islet with a tiny beach awaiting rescue . Helicopter inbound , but it would take more than one hour .
The reflex was splendid ! They towed the raft with the casualty to the exfil point and immediately divided tasks , taking care of both casualty and boats / equipment . The casualty was put into an emergency shelter to avoid further hypothermia . End of exercise ! From dead serious faces to happy faces in no time ! They did it , and it felt so rewarding . By this time , it seemed we would never reach the lighthouse , so I needed to come up with something else . So , next objective ! In case of emergency , one must know how to perform a technical landing . Not every exit point is a lovely , clean beach . So , the team needed to paddle to the lighthouse on a rugged rock formation .
There are no waves , but a relentless current flows around the lighthouse . They were only allowed to swim from a certain distance and help each other , so the team was on the rock fast ! They did some recon first , checked the exfil point from afar and made arrangements . Everybody started with our group at Launay Beach again , where we , immediately after the briefing , paddled towards Bréhat island . We aimed to the Eastern side , gliding with the current and arrived there amazingly fast . We could play around the rocks and learn how to efficiently move our boat from the eddy into the current and back .
Everyone performed smaller exercises , like turning your boat on the eddyline . Ferry gliding between rock formations proved no problem to our enthusiast group . We played until the current dropped and took a break on one of the nearby beaches . It is perfect to chat with the participants and closely examine their boats and equipment . Since there were no waves at all , we suggested a plan B : do the circumnavigation around the whole island . This way , we could do some rock gardening along the island ’ s northern side , which is more exposed . Nobody argued , and Plan B became Plan A ! The sun was shining all day , the warmest day of the week .