The Paddler Magazine Issue 77 Early Summer 2024 | Page 48


GB media day https :// www . malloryfranklin . co . uk

Quickies …

If you could paddle with anyone in the world , dead or alive , who would it be ? My husband on an old school river trip vibe .
Pick two celebrities to be your parents . Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively ( although they ’ re too young ).
Which famous person would you most like to see play you in a film ? Jessica Alba .
Are you a bathroom / shower singer , and if so , what do you sing ? Any musicals .
An ideal night out for you is ? Film and picnic under the stars .
What one luxury item would you take with you on a desert island ? My pillow , I love it .
What would I find in your fridge right now ? Crumble always , and leftovers .
What would you prepare for us if we came to your house for dinner ? It ’ s probably just something simple like mince and wraps .
What is your favourite sports team ? Team GB , I don ’ t really follow any sports .
What three words would you use to describe you ? Sporty , weird and annoying .
Any final shout-outs to friends , supporters and sponsors ? My husband , his family , and my family are my biggest supporters . Thank you also to Element Karbon , my personal sponsor , UK Sport , and the National Lottery , which allows me to focus on my training .
Many thanks , Mallory , for all of your help on this , and all the very best for Paris - we really appreciate it .
GB team 2019 Pete Astles and Mallory at a Paddle Peak club evening