If the white water section is too easy to force you to think fast , turn your local white water course into a game zone . Playing together on the river is a great way to create a positive mindset , train adaptive skills , and have a lot of fun . I won ’ t make a long list of the white water paddling games I ’ ve come across or come up with over the years because the creativity of other paddlers ( like you !) is what drives the world forward and makes it interesting , but here ’ s three :
Leapfrogging : This is more like a playful paddling style than a game , but it is one of my favourite ways to train adaptive and fluid white water paddling in a group . In this style of river running , you and your friends flow down a section of white water while constantly rotating the lead paddler . Once they ’ ve made a move or two , the lead paddler / driver of ‘ the megatrain ’ will eddy out , allowing the whole team to pass them before they file back in to join the back of the pack .
If you want to train yourself to scan the river for eddies , you can set it up so that each person ’ s goal once at the front is to eddy out as soon as possible . If you want to train for fast-paced decision-making and finding the best downriver moves , you design it so that the front paddler must stay up front for a minimum period before ducking out .
Leapfrogging is excellent because it allows each group member to share the decisionmaking challenges that come with being at the front and forces those behind to maintain awareness of their spacing and surroundings and push themselves to paddle on the leader ’ s line . I ’ d recommend using this either on an easy river that you don ’ t know or a challenging river that you know . If you can leapfrog down one section , you stand a better chance of being able to flow smoothly down another .
HORSE : A small group of paddlers take turns setting a trick or a move for the others to attempt one by one . When one fails , they get a letter and are one step closer to being a HORSE . I love how this game invites paddlers to showcase their strengths and face their weaknesses .
Synchro : A small group of boaters paddle a continuous loop together in a play zone that involves flow and eddies . The key is that their continuous movement from a birds eye view should create a fun pattern . By involving a cross-over or two , you ’ re sure to get some clashes and tight manoeuvring around one another , and then you can add some tricks for extra points from the imaginary judges . I enjoy how this game creates light-hearted fun while opening the door to creativity and chaos .
Jamie wave landing . Launch over every wave