The Paddler Magazine Issue 76 Early Spring 2024 | Page 30

Jonathan Khan , a former student of Guy from Westminster Boating Base on the Thames in London , unexpectedly joined the expedition to the Zanskar River . Having learned to kayak under Guy ’ s tutelage , Jonathan was eager to test his skills on the challenging rapids of the Himalayas .
Despite initial doubts from some team members , Jonathan proved himself to be a capable and determined kayaker . With Guy ’ s encouragement and guidance , he navigated the raging waters of the Zanskar River with aplomb , adding a few exhilarating swims and a hectic rescue to his adventure .
Jonathan ’ s presence on the expedition served as a reminder of the enduring legacy of Guy Baker ’ s work as an instructor and mentor . His passion for kayaking and willingness to take on new challenges inspired the team to push themselves beyond their limits and embrace the spirit of adventure . Add to that a lifelong friendship , and the future is set for more adventures carved into the Himalayas together .
Richard Ambros , an ex-AFL football player passionate about adventure , attempted to conquer the Zanskar River in a pack raft – a relatively new craft weighing less than 4kg . Despite encountering challenges , including a slow leak in his raft , Richard ’ s determination and resilience never wavered .
With the raft buckling under his weight and steering increasingly difficult , Richard decided to suspend his journey after three days . His safety and well-being were paramount , and he prioritised them over completing the expedition .
Richard ’ s experience on the Zanskar River highlighted adventure ’ s unpredictable nature and adaptability ’ s importance in the face of adversity . His courage and determination to push himself beyond his comfort zone inspired the team , reminding them of the importance of perseverance and resilience in pursuing their goals .