The outdoors offers diverse opportunities for an individual to enter a state of ‘ Flow ’, where merging with the elements puts us all in the now and where challenges focus our minds . Hence , there is nothing else to worry about . Sometimes , adrenaline can be in the mix , but more often , it is a sense of peace and being at one with the chosen element . Being in this Flow does not have to be during the high end of adventure . It can be experienced during a micro-adventure or simply seeing the details of any experience .
Recognise that the elements of novelty will increase memories , leading to happiness , and look for something new each day to punctuate the mundane . Take control of your environment , and take your time with the uncomfortable if there are options .
Fill life with excitement and discovery , preferably avoiding drugs and alcohol , creating clear memories and genuine friendships . Remember , while we may all experience fear , courage is a choice . You can start on a rapid with courage or even walk around it so long as the purpose of your journey is clear to you . Either option works . What is the intention of your voyage ?
We can help others overcome their fears , and as I showed 40 years ago , there is never an age that is too young for a real adventure . Since then , there have been many great examples of young people pushing the boundaries . We can never forget Jessica Watson leaving Australia at 16 to sail around the world , overcoming many obstacles , including intense media scrutiny .
It ’ s not often that an explorer gets the opportunity to repeat an adventure 40 years later and reflect on all that has happened in a lifetime . I have had a successful career with Catalyst Global , which is celebrating its 35th birthday with over 50 partners across the globe . I grasped the importance of brand and not selling the self if you want to make money while you sleep .
Do yourself out of a job , were the most important words I heard in my 20s . Choosing a good team , be it in the world of adventure or commerce , is a skill with as much relevance today as 40 years ago . Leadership skills will , in part , be innate but can be learned . Success requires preparation , including becoming competent at a sport or an artistic endeavour . However , avoid being just a kayaker , as many other options may fill in some other aspects of your personality .
As I witnessed on this trip with Jonathan , teaching others can be rewarding . Being part of a team adventure adds a bonus beyond individual effort ; comrades in arms opens up emotions and allows sharing . Importantly , adventure teams , above all , build trust in our teammates .
River running while an individual requires the team to ensure the success and safety of all members . Just as my story started with a death , so too the Zanskar closed with a death . Just two weeks before I arrived on the river , Chotak , the river leader , lost his best friend and kayaking partner , Stanzin Tanfan , on the same river .
Just like Mike Jones , Stanzin went to the aid of a fellow river runner . He was kayaking on the Tsarap Chu river in his home of Ladakh . His kayaking partner swam , Stanzin rescued him and then went to chase the kayak and that was the last time anyone saw him alive . Stanzin was an amazing and humble human being , as a practicing Tibetan Buddhist he lived by those ancient values and refrained from taking any life , however small . He leaves behind a young wife and three-yearold son . There is a GoFundMe campaign https :// gofund . me / 4fdbf094 .
Risk remains a delicate balance between a skill and the elements . Where ambition so often overtakes ability , part of life ’ s journey is getting this right . It may not be you who suffers . It could be a friend . While mistakes in life are to be encouraged as we push outside of our limits , sometimes we need to know when there is no space for error .
So , if it ’ s just excitement you are chasing , it ’ s time to rein it back . A complete re-think of why you do what you do may be in order . At the very least , you owe it to those around you to ensure your levels of competence are up to the challenge at hand .
If in doubt , take another course .