The Paddler Magazine Issue 76 Early Spring 2024 | Page 20

Nouria in Ecuador , 2022 . Photo : Ian Avery-Leaf / Red Bull Content Pool
Expeditions or competitions – which gives you the most buzz ? It ’ s expeditions for sure , but also paddling a super good run with friends .
Name just one thing we can do as paddlers to improve our environment . We can do many things , and I think that rather than showing what a fellow paddler does wrong , we should all start trying and doing the compromise that we feel like we can do : carpooling and optimising shuttles , buying eco-friendly gear that lasts longer , fix your gear , ask kayak companies to stop wrapping boats and be okay if your new boat arrives with a scratch from the transport , clean up rivers . Anything that can make a difference , even if it ’ s small and does not seem enough .
Here in the UK , a lot of work by PaddleUK is being done to bring more women into the sport ; what ’ s being done in Europe and by whom ? I am no longer involved in sports policies . In the past , I have been involved in a think tank organised by the French Federation , programs set up by the French sports minister in all sports and there used to be projects through the ICF development program , but that ’ s no longer happening . Things are being done , and it ’ s changing slowly , but I think we still have a long way to go to make kayaking effectively inclusive and not just for women .

Quickies …

If you could paddle with anyone in the world , dead or alive , who would it be ? Loulou .
Pick two celebrities to be your parents . I don ’ t see any celebrities who would want to be my parents !
Which famous person would you most like to see play you in a film ? Katie Burrell . It would be a good laugh .
Are you a bathroom / shower singer , and if so , what do you sing ? I sing in the car on long drives .
Favourite social media platform ? Instagram and Strava , but I would not do social media if I could .
An ideal night out for you is ? A good bivy or an unplanned party .
What one luxury item would you take with you on a desert island ? A kayak ?
What would I find in your fridge right now ? Lot ’ s of veggies and some Italian food smuggled through the border .
What would you prepare for us if we came to your house for dinner ? Pasta or Dhal .
What ’ s the most boring question you are often asked ? Half of the questions you ’ ve asked me !
If you could be a superhero for one day , what superpower would you choose and why ? Teleportation in time and space . I could hang out with all my friends , paddle so many good rivers , and get out when it gets too crazy .
Who are your kayaking buddies ? I have a good amount of people that I love paddling with , and I am afraid that if I list them , I will forget someone .
Any final shout-outs ? I couldn ’ t do what I am doing without the support of my family , close friends , and sponsors : RedBull , Astral , Immersion Research , Seiko France , Waka Kayaks , Sweet Protection , Packraft Europe , and Werner .