The Paddler Magazine issue 73 Late Summer 2023 | Page 41

Event co-organiser and Paddle Peak founder Pete Astles commented on the weekend ’ s action , “ It was incredible to see so many local young people enjoying kayaking on the Cromford Canal in such a stunning and historical location . Despite the weather , we exceeded previous years to make this the best-attended Adventure Weekend yet ! This just shows the interest and potential kayaking has for local young people .
“ I ’ m looking forward to seeing some of them again in our regular sessions . Perhaps one day as future Derbyshire Olympians !’
Thanks Paddle Peak would like to thank all of their tireless volunteers and athletes , without whom none of this would have been possible . Huge thanks to the Arkwright Society and Cromford Mills for hosting the event . Manor Adventure at Willersley Castle for welcoming local young people to the River Derwent in front of the home of Sir Richard Arkwright . Derbyshire County Council Countryside Services for using the Cromford Canal and Wharf . The crew of Birdswood and the Friends of Cromford Canal for manoeuvring their narrow boat so safely through the canal full of youngsters in kayaks ! Special thanks to Peak Paddlesports , Pyranha Kayaks and Ainsworth Paddles for supplying the event equipment .
Paddle Peak is a registered charity , British Canoeing club and community project promoting responsible paddlesports , improving access to outdoor spaces , inspiring local young people , caring for the River Derwent and protecting its wildlife . Paddle Peak runs kayaking sessions for local primary school kids on Tuesday nights at Cromford Wharf . For more information , check out their website at www . paddlepeak . org