The Paddler Magazine issue 73 Late Summer 2023 | Page 34

The kayaking community is such a friendly and social place . Events like T-fest are an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends , and people value that time .
The next event was the Cafe Wave competition run by Radical Rider . This happened at lunchtime and was essentially a competition of who could stay on the wave the longest , which generally required pushing everyone else off ! I missed most of the competition as I was busy at the Pyranha stall , but what I did see was spectacular . Lots of laughter and lots of carnage ! My lovely friend Jack even had a swim in it ! ( From a deck pop rather than deliberate , but who cares about technicalities !) This event is always a great crowd-pleaser !
The next event was not one for the weakhearted . Palm ’ s epic enduro race is essentially an event to remind all the ex-slalom paddlers that they ‘ still got it ’. It is a gruelling race that involves half an hour of paddling laps of the Graveyard and then running back up with your boat . The winner of this race is simply the person who completes the most laps . Some paddlers took this very seriously , and others less so . Either way , people seemed to have a lot of fun , and all the paddlers were exhausted by the end !
The Pyranha Kayaks tailee jam was held right at the top of the Upper Graveyard section and consisted of an hour of people messing around in slicey boats and having a laugh ! There were lots of boats being tested , including the new Pyranha Firecracker . Whilst people were pretty tired from a big day of kayaking , there still seemed to always be energy for one more tailee ! Lots of fun was had .
The final event on Saturday was the team raft racing by NWWC . Paddlers could sign up to give rafting a go and race down the Tryweryn . If you have never rafted before , this was an excellent opportunity to try it out and get a bit competitive at the same time . Lots of happy paddlers !
After a busy day on the water , dinner was gratefully received . The food was delicious , and whilst people were tucking into dinner , the prizes for the day ’ s competitions were given out , and a fun night of music and dancing followed , with the volunteers at the River Legacy bar doing a great job keeping people hydrated .

The kayaking community is such a friendly and social place . Events like T-fest are an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends , and people value that time .