The Paddler Magazine issue 72 Summer 2023 | Page 98

whose adventurous paths crossed our own . Hearing Paul ’ s radio updates on Manchester City ’ s semi-final match vs Real Madrid further entertained us . Our time chatting together will be cherished , as will our time paddling deep in our mindful thoughts .
I ’ m now on the ferry , returning to Oban , with a very happy team of happy paddlers .
After Vatersay , we crossed the sound to traverse the exposed western coastline of Sandray Island . The exciting force 4 wind , a neap tide race and Atlantic swell conditions provided an exhilarating passage . We ’ ve all paddled in bigger conditions , but the committing nature of this wild coastline concentrated our minds and galvanised us into a brilliant show of teamwork , mutual trust and support . Sandray provided us with another stunning camping location , a sweet reward for our endeavours . Arguably , my favourite beach on the Outer Hebrides , with powerful beach surf and a sneaky sheltered secondary beach landing spot . Another expedition highlight .
All too soon , our last paddling day arrived . Low winds were forecast , but the residual large Atlantic swell remained . We headed south to Pabbay . More exploding rocky shores and reefs kept us in awe . Despite the surf on Pabbay , we managed to solve landing at the sheltered most spot , in between surf sets . This revealed a beachside machair landscape carpeted in primroses , guarding another abandoned village , further remnants of a long-ago hardy people .
We returned to Castlebay and celebrated our fantastic week of shared adventure and friendship with fish and chips . Our last night was spent back at Derek ’ s super hospitable and nice Barra Sands Campsite , overlooking Barra Sound , where our expedition began so long ago .
Our obligatory team photo on this Oban-bound ferry will always remind me of an extraordinary week with a group of amazing people , forever bound by this wonderful team endeavour . We are already discussing plans for expeditions in 2024 – perhaps we will try a Skye / Harris / Lewis Expedition ; the Shiant Islands would be lovely to visit . And Norway has been mentioned as a potential 2024 sea kayaking destination . No doubt there will be spare spaces for new friends to join us .
Geth Roberts is co-owner of Sea Kayaking Wales , based in Anglesey , offering course opportunities throughout the year . This expedition was part of their 2023 expeditions programme . Their other expeditions and trips in 2023 included Slate Isles , Scotland , and Pembrokeshire . Their initial 2024 programme of expeditions can be found on www . seakayakingwales . com .