The Paddler Magazine issue 72 Summer 2023 | Page 92

Quickfire questions :
What one luxury item would you take with you on a desert island ? A really nice pillow .
What would I find in your fridge right now ? A lot of alcoholic Spindrift , eggs , bacon , and cheese .
What would you prepare for us if we came to your house for dinner ? A fancy Ramen , like with the baby bok choi , corn , and soft-boiled egg .
What ’ s the most boring question you are often asked ? This is awkward , but it ’ s , “ How did you get into kayaking .”

Quickfire questions :

If you could paddle with anyone in the world , dead or alive , who would it be ? Morgan Freeman .
Pick two celebrities to be your parents … Serena Williams and Micheal Phelps .
Which famous person would you most like to see play you in a film ? Lady Gaga .
Are you a bathroom / shower singer , and if so , what do you sing ? Yes … usually Katy Perry .
An ideal night out for you is ? Beers at the local mountain bike bar finished with fancy cocktails and a charcuterie board .
If you could be a superhero for one day , what superpower would you choose and why ? Fly . I want to fly through the air like an eagle , with wings , for the day .
Favourite film ? All of the Harry Potter films .
Who are your kayaking buddies ? So many of them !! Corey Volt , Anna Levesque , Snowy Robertson , Andrew Holcombe , and Shane Benedict , to name a few of them .
Any final shout-outs ? I am just thankful for the whole kayaking community and the support we all give each other as the years go on . We are all going through our own stuff and don ’ t always know about it , but we meet each other where they are and enjoy a day on the water .
Huge thanks , Adriene , for taking the time out . Heck yes ! You ’ re so welcome !