The Paddler Magazine issue 72 Summer 2023 | Page 66

The campaign saw an incredible effort from our fantastic community of paddlers .

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who took part in the Big Paddle Cleanup 2023

The campaign saw an incredible effort from our fantastic community of paddlers .

Not everyone has logged their finds , but so far , about
2,100 volunteers participated and 1,300 big sacks were filled .
Inside those bags were about 5,000 plastic bottles , 1,400 glass bottles , 2,800 cans and 6,00 food wrappers .
We also held a flagship Big Paddle Cleanup event in Liverpool , on 3rd June .
The event , held at Collingwood Dock by the Friends of Allonby Canoe Club , was attended by Labour MP Kim Johnson who praised the volunteers for cleaning up the canal .
Staff from British Canoeing also held their own Big Paddle Cleanup at Nottingham and Beeston Canal .
Several big sacks were filled with plastic bottles , cans and wrappers .
There were some more unusual finds too , like an ornate candlestick holder , wellies , trainers , clay pipes and a small tyre .
Local media including BBC Radio Nottingham , East Midlands Today and Notts TV came along to report on what the team were doing .
Talking of things , other than plastic bottles and packaging , found in the water … these are some of the items volunteers found across the country :
Plastic stools
Cash register
Traffic cones
Rubber ducks
www . britishcanoeing . org . uk
ERDINGER Alkoholfrei , a British Canoeing partner , supported the event , providing food and refreshments for the volunteers .
Pete Gowans , ERDINGER Country Manager , said it was
“ fantastic to see such a vibrant family club being so enthusiastic about picking the rubbish out of the water .”
Shopping trollies
Fanta can from the 1980s
Roadworks barriers
Skateboards A Playstation A dead parrot