The Paddler Magazine issue 72 Summer 2023 | Page 63


Welcome to the Summer edition of Canoe Focus !
Welcome to the July edition of Canoe Focus . As I write this it is perfect paddling weather – a blue sky , calm water with just the slightest of breezes and a temperature in the early 20 ’ s . Perhaps these ideal paddling conditions explain why so many have been out on the water and so many are joining us in full membership . We could soon be at the magical 100,000 members – a critical mass that would enable us to further reinforce our role as the paddlers ’ voice . And making that voice heard is central to two of the key features in this edition .
We have been vocal , with our partners , in promoting the water quality in our rivers . The issue of the discharge of untreated sewage is now firmly in the national spotlight and the level of plastic pollution in particular is well known . It has been massively rewarding to see our community take positive action this summer through the big paddle clean up . I am sure you will be both stunned and impressed by the actions we report in this edition . We should never underestimate the power and significance of this event .
We are committed custodians of our inland and coastal blue spaces . Yet we have so few rights of access to inland waterways . Extending those rights aligned with the need for those waters to be in good condition was the theme as we relaunched our Clear Access Clear Waters campaign in the Houses of Parliament last month . We want our political parties to include commitments in their manifestos so that paddlers can have a real choice at the next election .
This is a very busy year for our competitive disciplines – and particularly the Olympic and Paralympic disciplines of Canoe Slalom and Canoe Sprint . The challenge is to secure early qualification for Olympic and Paralympic quota places . We report on competitive performance in this edition . We are fortunate that we have secured the key qualification event for Canoe Slalom for Lee Valley in September . Our paddlers will be on ‘ home water ’ for the crucial series with six places up for grabs . Check out the dates and put them in your diary – if we can add a vocal home crowd , I know that our paddlers will reward us handsomely . The pop-up campsite could be a good way to stay for the whole event .
Moving from a recreational interest into a competitive mode is a route many take . It is a fantastic way for youngsters ( and not so young !) to stretch themselves . We would love to see more of our new members join us on the competitive journey . A growing proportion of our community are naming SUP as their craft of choice , and we look in this edition at some of the SUP racing developments .
Whatever your interest I am sure there will be much for you in this edition and across our community more widely .
Enjoy your summer paddling . John Coyne
The enjoyment of blue spaces and the personal wellbeing that it promotes is at the heart of much of our work . We are also committed to inclusion : bringing the joys of paddling to the widest possible audience . The Birmingham Regatta is a brilliant example . It is clearly reaching new groups and showcasing , with the Canals and Rivers Trust , the asset communities have on their doorstep in our second city .
Professor John Coyne
Canoe Focus Early Summer 2023