The Paddler Magazine issue 72 Summer 2023 | Page 35

We met with Jérôme , Cécile and Bertrand early in the morning at Baie des Trépassés . Upon arrival , we couldn ’ t be luckier with the surfing conditions ! We started with some surfing , although we were there for a different reason ( tide race paddling ). This was an opportunity we couldn ’ t let slip away . A clean ocean swell that ran into the bay provided almost perfect waves of about 1.5 to 2 metres in height . So , we surfed for a bit ( getting a maximum speed of 27,9km / h ) before moving on . We could do some rock hopping on the way to the Raz , following the rugged coastline . A force 4 / 5 wind was coming from the NE in play , ensuring everything stayed interesting . We were there on a neap tide , so the current was manageable .
After making it to Pointe du Raz , we decided to play the tide races moving on to La Vieille ( the Old Lady ) lighthouse overlooking the area . This place ’ s beauty , and the interesting part for us , is that it isn ’ t just one tide race . There are different features to play in , rock formations of all kinds and a sea state constantly moving , changing from hour to hour . After surfing the races , we arrived at La Vieille lighthouse . I felt the urge , as always , to climb onto the static rocks emerging from the fast-moving water all around . It took me two attempts to perform a technical landing onto the rock , tethering my kayak at a higher place to prevent it from being swept away by incoming waves .
It wasn ’ t the easiest technical landing I did , but it was worth the trouble ! I could visit the lighthouse up close and soak in the incredible surroundings . After a short visit , it was time to jump back off , and after a swift selfrescue , we were back on the way to Pointe du Raz . We followed the southern shoreline to end up in Port Bestrée , one of the very small harbours where we took a well-deserved break . A few hours later , we returned the same way we came in .
The tide was changing this time , forming bigger waves in the tide race . The tide was running against the wind this time , providing even more fun . After a long day , we ended up back up in the Baie des Trépasses . We got more out of this first day than we thought of having during the whole stay ! We went to one of the local diners where we could not get around the delicious and well-known ‘ crêpes Bretonnes ’. Don ’ t you dare to call them ‘ pancakes ’, we did , and we ’ re very sorry ! It was time to say goodbye to our local team ! We love to meet and paddle with paddlers we formerly only knew from social media . This was one of those extraordinary occasions , and we are sure we will meet again !