The Paddler Magazine issue 72 Summer 2023 | Page 13

Pits and Bits Towel Off body wash and shampoo https :// pitsandbits . co . uk By Dale Mears

Pits and Bits Towel Off body wash and shampoo https :// pitsandbits . co . uk By Dale Mears

Whenever I get off the water , I have that lovely sweat aroma you get either from a wetsuit , drysuit or a shirt and a t-shirt . Combined with the lovely fresh smell of the water which is not always Evian quality . Usually , it ’ s a stinky drive home , or as we are social beings , it ’ s often nice to go for a post-paddle pint social . I can ’ t say I have ever had a shower before returning to the van .
I then came across the company Pits and Bits , claiming to be a waterless cleaning solution , and wanted to try it . After some research , I found that Pits and Bits are marketing a product aimed at the outdoor market ; originally , the company released this cleaning solution to help in hospitals when patients need to be cleaned easily . A great idea and one created with a genuine need now branching out to other areas , including medical , outdoors and even pets .
So I managed to get hold of both the Towel Off body wash , and the shampoo . First , let ’ s talk about the body wash . It ’ s a water-like consistency , so applying is simply a case of filling your hand and splash on where needed , under the armpits . It ’ s then really easy to towel off on a small towel . I always keep a microfibre towel handy . The wash masks any smell and leaves a much more pleasant aroma . Even after a heavy session in 28- degree-plus sunshine and wearing full neoprene , it did a great job . I expected a thicker texture , more like a gel , and this may have made it slightly easier to apply without wasting as much ; however , this could have made it sticky , which this wash isn ’ t ! It leaves you feeling very fresh !
Now the shampoo , which even claims to remove hair gel ! Unfortunately , I am not blessed with much hair anymore , so it ’ s only a short test for me . However , the shampoo once lathered into my hair , smelt good and left it feeling much fresher , removing the hat , sweat , and greasy feeling left from paddling . It also gave a little more volume , meaning I wasn ’ t left looking like a sweaty mess or with terrible flat hat hair .
I was impressed with both products , and they now live in my van for postsession cleanup . You can also get some compostable expanding tablets that , once wet , expand to leave a wipe similar to the kid ’ s flannels that grow in water . These are ideal for use with the products and another great idea . What was great is they even came packaged in fully recycled packaging , and all instructions for use were on plantable paper , which my daughter is very excited about .
The product is simple to use , and I have to say it does exactly what it says on the tin ( bottle ), an excellent addition for a quick freshen-up .
Towel Off ® Body Wash 500ml £ 9.99 Towel Off ® shampoo 500ml £ 8.99 www . facebook . com / ainsworthpaddles
www . instagram . com / ainsworthpaddles /