The Paddler Magazine issue 72 Summer 2023 | Page 114

Brilliance between shadows as Clouds cross the sky . Sea shining , emerald as spring grass , Changing to the colour of bluebells , And softens in advance of the squall
With the boats close to the sea , it was an easy choice on day two to go north towards Morar . We were playing , rock hopping and with Josh and Andrew leading the charge to surf any ‘ tasty ’ looking wave along the coast . We landed at Camas Darach for lunch . Carribean blue sea and white sand , watched over by the Small Isles . Gorgeous ! With a strong northerly breeze to paddle into and following an extended , sunny lunch , it was an easy call to return the way we came with more playing in crystal clear turquoise water .
You really can ’ t get enough of the Arisaig Skerries ! Scenery , wildlife and colour . We were back again on day three to paddle through the Skerries with their attendant seals and around a very lively Rubh ’ Arisaig whilst watched over by ‘ Belted Galloway ’ cattle on the headland and land on a little piece of heaven on Earth at Port na Murrach .
Then the weather changed . And we had some of our best paddling ! Winds turned around to the south on day four and were set to increase later in the day . As Baldrick in Blackadder might say , “ A very , very , very cunning plan ,” was needed .
So the planning team , that is , everybody , devised a plan to put onto Loch Ailort and paddle around Rhuba Chaolais , which divides Loch nan Uamh from Loch Ailort . Shelter , followed by the wind behind . And to get back ? Now , it has to be said I hate shuttles . I ’ m not sharp enough to work it all out . But we had bright and clever brains in this team ; oh yes , along with Glynn ’ s defender , parked ( with permission ) at Loch nan Uamh .
After a leisurely paddle along Loch Ailort and lunch on Eilean nan Gobhar , we couldn ’ t find the forts which were marked on the map , but munching on lunch , it was easy to reflect what an important place it would be in defence of a waterway . Lunch gone , the paddling became more serious . Swells coming in from the west , and clapotis followed by long surf waves down Loch nan Uamh . The team did well in such challenging waters ! We landed as the weather clamped down . Rain and increasing wind strength , we were glad to see Glynn ’ s Landrover .
Sometimes , weather , tide , swell and luck come together . A circumnavigation of Eilean Shona and Eilean Beag was high on our target list . The forecast was for heavy rain in the morning ( which it did ), clearing in the

Brilliance between shadows as Clouds cross the sky . Sea shining , emerald as spring grass , Changing to the colour of bluebells , And softens in advance of the squall