The Paddler Magazine issue 71 Late Spring 2023 | Page 92

Interview : Peter Tranter Photos : Keith Moule , Bridget Jackson , Andy Birkett ( Richmond CC )
Keith and paddling partner , Tom Sharpe , won this year ’ s Devizes to Westminster race in a record-breaking time of 15 hours , 19 mins and 35 seconds , slashing 15 minutes off the 44-year record previously held by Brian Greenham and Tim Cornish . We ask Keith about what motivates him , his training regime , his favourite things to do in life and what ’ s in his fridge right now ! Take it away Keith …
Keith Moule ( front ) and Tom Sharpe


A chat with …


Interview : Peter Tranter Photos : Keith Moule , Bridget Jackson , Andy Birkett ( Richmond CC )

Keith and paddling partner , Tom Sharpe , won this year ’ s Devizes to Westminster race in a record-breaking time of 15 hours , 19 mins and 35 seconds , slashing 15 minutes off the 44-year record previously held by Brian Greenham and Tim Cornish . We ask Keith about what motivates him , his training regime , his favourite things to do in life and what ’ s in his fridge right now ! Take it away Keith …

Before we start , let our readers know a little about yourself , your family , your background , etc . I have been involved in canoeing for nearly 30 years , having started as a kid and managing to get to a good standard and enjoy all types of racing from a young age . My brother also made the top divisions , and our parents were always incredibly supportive , giving us the best opportunity to succeed in the sport .

Keith Moule ( front ) and Tom Sharpe

Congratulations to you and Tom Sharpe on your record-breaking time in the 2023 Devizes to Westminster race – how did it feel crossing the finishing line ? Incredible feeling ! That final straight into Westminster was a chance to really enjoy the experience and knowing the hard work had all paid off . We knew we could contribute to a bit of history writing for the event , and we were so pleased to write a new chapter on the record of the race .
Did you have any doubts during the race about breaking the record ? No doubts about getting the record . We thought we could break the record a year out from the event , and our training improved as we got closer to the event . We knew we could really attack the race from start to finish and stay focused on record pace from the very start .