The Paddler Magazine issue 71 Late Spring 2023 | Page 73

It ’ s not long until the Big Paddle Cleanup returns and we all unite to improve our precious blue places .
British Canoeing ’ s Chief Executive Ashley Metcalfe welcomed the findings .
He said : “ The study proves what paddlers have felt all along ; healthy and clean rivers , rich with nature , have a positive effect on our mental health .
“ We also hope the research bolsters the need for people to have more green and blue spaces near their homes .
“ The findings also demonstrate how paddling can have the biggest benefits for wellbeing , especially for families and for socialising in general .
“ Finally , British Canoeing agrees it is crucial that green and blue spaces are accessible and protected from pollution .”
The research by the University of Exeter , was conducted as part of the BlueHealth project .
The BlueHealth paper , titled “ Applying an ecosystem services framework on nature and mental health to recreational blue space visits across 18 countries ” is published in Scientific Reports .

It ’ s not long until the Big Paddle Cleanup returns and we all unite to improve our precious blue places .

In 2022 , an amazing 1,200 paddlers took part in a bid to clear their local waterways of junk and plastic pollution .
About 700 huge sacks were filled containing 2,123 single-use plastic bottles , 1,476 cans , 831 glass bottles and 3,296 food wrappers .
British Canoeing and its community of paddlers were recognised at the inaugural BBC Sport Green Awards for our efforts .
We want the Big Paddle Cleanup 2023 ( 27 May - 11 June ) to be even bigger .
Chantelle Grundy said : “ The Big Paddle Cleanup showed how much the paddling community cares about our waters and what they ’ re prepared to do to protect them .
“ Combining social action through the Big Paddle Cleanup , with physical activity , is a fantastic way of bringing people together and improving our local surroundings . Together , as a team , we will continue to protect our waterways to do what we love .”
We are in a unique position as paddlers as we can collect plastic from places others are unable to access . By taking part in a paddle cleanup you ’ ll be :
1 . Helping to minimise pollution and improve the health of our waterways 2 . Helping to protect wildlife 3 . Connecting with nature 4 . Enjoying the wellbeing benefits of being in blue spaces
You can show your support for our blue spaces by organising your own paddle cleanup . We will keep you posted with any future developments .
Big Paddle Cleanup 2023
27 May – 11 June 2023
For more information please visit : clearaccessclear waters . org . uk / bigpaddlecleanup
Canoe Focus Early Summer 2023