The Paddler Magazine issue 71 Late Spring 2023 | Page 69


Welcome to the Spring edition of Canoe Focus !
Hopefully wherever you are reading this , the signs of spring are beginning to burst out all around you . The sight of the snowdrops and daffodils are a sure fire sign that warmer , sunnier weather is just over the horizon - and for fairweather paddlers like myself , it is time to dust off the kayak , pump up the board , squeeze back into dry trousers and get back out on the water !
Spring is such a magical time of year as nature wakes up from winter hibernation . But it is important to remember that this is a really sensitive time for wildlife . Our birds are busily building nests , not just high up in the trees , but along our watersides , in our hedgerows and on grasslands . Many types of fish choose to spawn in spring , especially those such as salmon who migrate up our rivers to lay their eggs . There is also plenty of plantlife , emerging from the ground , often hard to spot , but easy to damage .
So while it is an absolute joy to be out on the water at this time of year , let us all remember how important it is to follow the guidance in our Paddlers ’ Code - protect , respect , enjoy !
There is lots more to be excited about this spring with two huge Clear Access , Clear Waters events coming up in the next couple of months . Between May 27th and 11th June we have our ‘ Big Paddle Clean Up ’, where we are hoping our community will get out and give our rivers a really good spring clean !
Demand for our Big Paddle Clean Up kits has been overwhelming . Thank you to everyone who has opted to ‘ Go Green ’ on their British Canoeing membership ; it is because of you that we have been able to provide even more kits to the paddling community . We just can ’ t wait to see how much rubbish we can collect , as well as hear about all the unusual objects found in our waters !
In June British Canoeing is returning to Westminster , to the Houses of Parliament for an event to promote our Clear Access , Clear Waters Campaign . We will be launching our latest Charter , which will set out our priorities for Government .
This is a key time for our campaign . Next year the country will head to the polls to choose a new Government , so it is crucial that we get our aspiration for fair , shared , sustainable access to healthy waters firmly on the radar of political parties !
We are really pleased to have cross party support for our event on the 7th June . Hopefully you will all support us by writing to your MP to encourage them to join us at our reception …. and while you are at it , why not invite them along to help with your river clean up !?
This edition of the Canoe Focus is packed with inspiration to get you out on the water this Spring . As if you needed more reasons to go paddling , this month we explore why blue spaces are just so good for our mental and physical well being . And if wellbeing is your thing , then you should certainly check out our SUP Yoga story !
I personally find it really hard not to feel optimistic at this time of year . While the issues that threaten the places we paddle sometimes feel overwhelming and our aspirations for cleaner , more accessible waters unattainable , I really do believe that it is in our hands what we make of the opportunities we have ahead of us .
Without doubt , through the collective energy and enthusiasm of all who care for and enjoy water , we can and will make progress on the issues that I know you all feel so passionately about .
So I hope you are all feeling the new energy that springtime brings ! I hope to see you out on the water soon , enjoying the sunshine !!
Ben Seal
Head of Access & Environment
Canoe Focus Early Summer 2023