The Paddler Magazine issue 71 Late Spring 2023 | Page 116

I ’ m not one to look that far ahead ; I just about understand what I ’ m
“ doing next week !
Quickfire questions :


I ’ m not one to look that far ahead ; I just about understand what I ’ m

“ doing next week !

Have you ever been scared , and if not – what would it take ? Ha ha , fear is a big part of paddling , but I find this healthy . Nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks . Nelson Mandela once said , ‘ There is no passion to be found playing small , settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living ’. I am blessed with a body and mind that rises to this challenge every day .
Which brands do you work with , and how do they specifically help you ? Again , I am blessed to be working with several brands that provide all the kit I need , and it feels like one big team ! Appropriate equipment for the challenge is a must and makes the task much easier . I ’ m a sponsored paddler with BlackFish Paddles , and SIC ( Maxtracks Distribution and Get on the Water UK ) provide most of my boards . Yak , Crewsaver , Baltic , Change Robe and ShowersPass provide all my clothing , jackets and PFD . Lifejacket skin protection keeps me safe from the sun . Peugeot UK with Vospers provides my essential and stunning van . Power2Go & Geotracking are fantastic at sorting my power and location monitoring on the go , and Priority Pixels smash all my Website needs . ShoreTees also sell all my Long Paddle Stash and charity sales with Above Water .
Which river / lake / sea anywhere in the world would be on your SUP bucket list and why ? My top five for this month … 5 . Pembrokeshire ; 4 . Oban in Scotland ; 3 . New Quay in Wales ; 2 . Falmouth ; 1 . Torbay in England .
Is there anything you ’ d change within the industry to make it more inclusive ? SUP is in its infancy , which means it ’ s learning every season how to be more accessible and safe . All paddlers have a responsibility to help support governance , demonstrate good practice and promote respect for each other and the environment we paddle .
Name just one thing we can do as paddlers to improve our environment . Thinking paddling environment rather than the physical environment ; better monitoring of internet forums , for every correct and experienced comment , there is a hundred ill-informed , lacking experience . Not helpful in any way , moving forward for the sports .
What ’ s the most enjoyable encounter with wildlife that you ’ ve had whilst paddling ? There has been quite a few , but the highlights would be hundreds of Atlantic dolphins in Wales , thousands of seals in Suffolk , alligators in Florida , and sharks in South Africa , but nothing tops Orca in Scotland !

Quickfire questions :

Who would it be if you could paddle with anyone , dead or alive ? I lost my Dad at the start of Covid ; he never got to see any of my SUP paddle achievements , although he ’ d probably be in a RIB , and I ’ d be paddling !
Pick two celebrities to be your parents . Pocahontas and Poseidon .
Which famous person would you most like to see play you in a film ? Bryan Brown – think drunk bar owner from the Tom Cruise film Cocktail !
An ideal night out for you is ? Group of friends and partners for an International Rugby match , followed by a big group meal , then a few more ciders !
What one luxury item would you take with you on a desert island ? A 5-star hotel .
What would I find in your fridge right now ? Besides all the goodies needed to feed a family of five – cheese and cider !
What would you prepare for us if we came to your house for dinner ? Cheese and cider .
What is the most boring question you are often asked ? Where do you poo when you are on the board ?
If you could be a superhero for one day , what superpower would you choose and why ? Silver Surfer or Aquaman would be cool , but it would have to be Superman – he ’ s got it all going on !
What is your favourite sports team ? Rugby – Wales and Exeter Chiefs .
Who are your SUP buddies ? Anyone who wants to have a paddle and have fun on the water .
Any nicknames ? Princey , Buzz Lightyear and the Americans call me Brandon ; they can ’ t get their head around Brendon .
Any final shout-outs ? Team Prince , Kitty , Roo and Jonah , plus my beautiful wife Helen , is my best friend and guiding light ; if anyone deserves a shout-out , it ’ s her !
Thanks for your help on this , Brendon - I appreciate it .