The Paddler Magazine issue 71 Late Spring 2023 | Page 114

Yes , the best way to experience adventure paddling is to paddle for 24 hours ,
“ so , of course , SUPTwentyFour is in the planning . Watch this space !
So , just in case anyone here doesn ’ t know , you became the first stand-up paddler to circumnavigate mainland Britain called ‘ The Long Paddle ’, which we featured in the Paddler . Is anything similar planned for the future ? This year is about promoting AdventureSUP and helping people understand what is involved when attempting to paddle ‘ around the corner ’ or ‘ into the unknown ’. I ’ ve got some fantastic mini adventures planned for the board , including paddling a destination I ’ ve always wanted to visit- the Faroe Islands , which basically are islands that resemble ‘ Naria ’ but in the North Atlantic .
Your latest project is SUPTwelve – a pretty unique endurance competition in the UK - can you explain what happens ? I have been so excited by the passion shown by so many for SUPTwelve , in its first year . Over 50 people entered , with 32 starters for the 12-hour challenge . I love endurance paddling ; spending time at sea pushes the body mentally and physically , and I wanted to bring this style of event to the UK . The conditions on the 1st of April were mixed with all the competitors experiencing the wonders of paddling for 12 hours with tide and weather conditions changing .
The event concept is straightforward , everybody starts at 07:00 , and you can paddle for as little or as much as your mind and body will allow in 12 hours . Once this time passes , you finish the lap you are on ( each lap is approximately 3.5km ). If two or more competitors are on the same amount of laps at the end of 12 hours , then it is a race to finish that lap . The first person to finish the lap wins ! This year , we had a very clear winner at 30 laps ( Bruce Smith ) and an amazing second place at 29 laps ( PJ Simmons ), but two competitors were competing for third place . This turned the event into a very exciting finale , with Fox Butler taking the third spot at 26 laps over Dom Hook . A special mention goes to Emily Evans , the first female with 25 laps . SUPTwelve 2024 will have separate male and female categories with separate junior races .
And where did you come up with the idea ? I ’ ve wanted to bring the concept of endurance paddling into an event for the last few years . The events I have entered previously are typically over after 10 or 15 km , which is where I start to warm up . After competing in the awesome ‘ Last Paddler Standing ’ event in Florida at Christmas , I just had to bring an endurance paddling event to the UK .
Unlike LPS , I wanted to bring changeable weather and tidal conditions into the mix , with a time frame letting the competitor experience the full range tidal range . With these additions , every lap of the course paddles differently .
Where ’ s your local paddling spot ? The coast of Devon both south and north .
The big one for 2023 is ‘ 7 Days at Sea ’; I plan to paddle out from my home town of Torbay and spend seven days eating , sleeping and paddling , demonstrating how to paddle with the conditions so it ’ s all about the journey , as I have no idea what will be my destination ! I will announce the special board I will use for the world first very soon !
‘ Above Water ’ is one of your charities involved with SUPTwelve - can you tell us a little about ‘ Above Water ’? Above Water is the water safety in education charity . We set up hubs in areas around the UK and invite schools to send three or four potential Young Leaders to come and learn about water safety and drowning prevention . Those Young Leaders then return to their schools and teach their peers how to stay safe when in , on or around water . This method helps thousands of children to get annual water safety and drowning prevention teaching , plus it helps the Young Leader concept of getting children to volunteer and stand up in front of their friends . Having the responsibility to teach such a vital topic gives tremendous motivation to Young Leaders .
How does SUP give you satisfaction ? It ticks all the boxes for me , adventure paddling , surfing , and fitness , giving plenty of ‘ blue space ’ thinking time .
Besides SUP giving you a buzz , does sea kayaking , canoeing , or WW also float your boat ? I spent a decade in the white stuff when I was young and haven ’ t ever gone back to it . I used up my nine lives and knew it was time to move on as I was pushing it beyond my limits . I still love my Surf Ski and want to take on a few races in the next few years .
If you could capture just one ‘ feel-good moment in your times of paddling – which would it be and why ? I feel blessed to have experienced and survived many ’ moments ’ with the paddle . Paddling the upper Indus in Pakistan at 18 was very special , but the best feel-good would have to be completing the circumnavigation of mainland Britain . Returning to Torbay after turning right for 141 days with thousands of welcoming faces to cheer me will always be a life-affirming moment .


Yes , the best way to experience adventure paddling is to paddle for 24 hours ,

“ so , of course , SUPTwentyFour is in the planning . Watch this space !