The Paddler Magazine Issue 69 Winter 2023 | Page 76



Canoe Club year in review

Words : Elaine Boyd Photos : Ulster CC Since I started paddling with Ulster Canoe Club , I have enjoyed being active outdoors in every season and in all weather . After another busy and rewarding 12 months , I decided to try my hand at UCCs first canoeing review of the year . This includes a selection of paddles , assessments and courses that paddlers from UCC attended , just a selection due to the sheer number of events available with the club this year !
January started as we meant to go on , with a white water paddle on the Owenkillew , near Omagh . It was a new river for some of us and a well-worn route for others . Everyone there would agree it was a successful trip , with beautiful scenery , good company and plans for the year ahead .
As the month progressed , the club provided a variety of sessions to tempt brave souls out onto the water through the winter weather . There were coaching sessions for newer paddlers at Moira Lakes and two further river trips , including a group of 25 on the Upper Bann from Banbridge to Gilford . Six of us attended white water safety and rescue training with Keith Fitzsimmons . There were trips on Lough Beg , including a magical last-minute exploratory night paddle to Church Island .