The Paddler Magazine Issue 69 Winter 2023 | Page 61

Paddlers ’ Code
Floating Pennywort

Paddlers ’ Code

In 2022 , British Canoeing also produced the Paddlers ’ Code to share guidance on how to enjoy our beautiful waterways responsibly .
The Code was developed with Natural England and reflects their work with the Countryside Code .
It has been well received by paddlers and other organisations . The Paddlers ’ Code shows , as a community , how serious we are about protecting our waters , but why we should respect other waterway users , while enjoying ourselves at the same time .
The Paddlers ’ Code belongs to everyone and we ’ ll be pushing its messages as we enter springtime and more people get back on the water .

Floating Pennywort

We had success in the battle to rid some of our waters of the invasive floating pennywort .
In case you didn ’ t know , the non-native plant grows quickly and can clog up whole waterways , preventing people from paddling , while damaging wildlife .
We held events for volunteers at the River Wey , Shropshire Union Canal and River Weaver and cleared as much floating pennywort as possible .
British Canoeing and the Angling Trust were delighted so many people came out to help .
Our event on the River Wey , near Guildford , was well attended and huge amounts of floating pennywort was cleared by paddlers , anglers and other volunteers .
Invasive Species Week 2023 will be held between 15 and 21 May to raise more awareness . But events will be held across the year . If you ’ re interested in helping please look out on Facebook for updates .
However , one very important way you can help is by keeping any boats , clothing , footwear and equipment used in water free of invasive non-native species . Remember to Check Clean Dry .
Above all , we know how important access and the environment is to British Canoeing members and paddlers in general .
Our dedicated team is working hard on both fronts and we are so grateful for your help and support . We believe that together we can make a difference and achieve our goals .
Canoe Focus Early Spring 2023