The Paddler Magazine Issue 69 Winter 2023 | Page 108


Quickies …

Who would it be if you could paddle with anyone , dead or alive ? Colin Stafford Johnson , the cameraman and filmmaker who paddles , has an outstanding balance of endless knowledge of nature and a love of travelling slowly through it .
Which famous person would you like to watch playing you in a film ? Shrek .
Pick two celebrities to be your parents . Ray Mears and Miriam Margolyes for an extreme combination of quiet , competent knowledge and a bonkers sense of the ridiculous .
Do you have a mentor ? The whole Song of the Paddle community , who welcomed me when I first started and supported me along every paddle stroke of the journey .
An ideal night out for you is ? Under a tarp with a fire , good food and drink , and a little acoustic music .
What one luxury item would you take with you on a desert island ? I guess the canoe could be useful for a shorter stay .
What would you prepare for us if we came to your house for dinner ? Duck with honey and pears , and a chocolate chip bannock for pud . In the garden , if I had a garden .
What ’ s in your fridge right now ? Very little , as I ’ m heading off to the Lake District camping for New Year . Probably some Aquasure seam sealer !
Who are your canoeing mates ? I have a great core of local mates , a hard core of tripping mates , especially The Pirates & Crew , and the Butler and the Maid , and lots of other mates all met through Song of the Paddle almost all over the world .
Favourite music ? My mate Jim playing classical guitar around a campfire .
Favourite film ? Local Hero .
What three words would you use to describe yourself ? That daft bugger .
If you could be a wild animal – what would it be ? Otters seem to have a sense of fun .
Any final shout-outs to friends , supporters and sponsors ? I thank everyone I ’ ve met in the last 14 ½ years through paddling . Between you , you changed my life .
Many thanks , Mal , for all of your help on this and for taking time out of what I know is a busy schedule before Christmas – we appreciate it and wish you a successful and prosperous 2023 .
Canoe hauling in Assynt