The Paddler Magazine Issue 69 Winter 2023 | Page 106

Mal Grey selfie Gorges du Tarn
What motivated you to start canoeing ? Just wanting to explore the water quietly .
Where ’ s your local canoeing spot ? The beautiful River Wey , both the navigation and especially the natural backwaters .
What canoe and equipment are you using ? Bell Chestnut Prospector and far too much gear !
How does open canoeing , above all give you satisfaction ? There is an outdoor lifestyle immersed in nature that fits so well with open canoeing , whether expeditions in wild places , bouncing down a river , drifting on a mill pond or sleeping under a tarp in my local secret spot .
What ’ s the one favourite piece of camping kit you couldn ’ t do without ? My folding firebox has probably brought me the most pleasure .
You take some cracking photos . Do you use any specialised kit ? A fairly ordinary Canon 700D DSLR up until yesterday , when I upgraded to a Canon R7 with an 18-150mm lens , all kept in a PeliStorm Case on the water .
You love photographing nature , does the fact that in the UK , 41 per cent of UK species have declined since the 1970s alarm you and do you have any observations on how we may start to reverse this ? Yes , obviously , it is a concern , and I tend towards education as one of the key tools to help . My local paddlers and I get involved with our local waterways , doing litter picks and helping clear out invasive plant species like Floating Pennywort .
If you could capture just one ‘ feel good ’ moment whilst canoeing – which would it be and why ? I ’ m still determining which one , but probably a millpond evening paddle on a remote lake in the mountains or woods of Scotland or Scandinavia before returning to the fire and a glass of red .
Which stretch or body of water anywhere in the world would be on your bucket list , and why it flicks your switch ? One of the Canadian river-lake-type trips with a few portages thrown in .
Do you have any favourite conditions for canoeing , or are you happy with whatever Mother Nature bowls your way on the day ? The two that stand out are those silent , still moments in nature and the joyous warm whitewater rivers of the Massif Central , France .
What ’ s the longest paddle you ’ ve completed ? Probably Rogen , Sweden , to Røros , Norway . In days ( 12 ), if not distance , there were lots of tough portages and days during which we travelled less than 5km .
Do you have an eco-message for fellow paddlers ? Be more aware . Think about your impact , whether cleaning your canoe to avoid transferring invasive species or using a leave-no-trace ethic when wild camping .
What ’ s the most enjoyable encounter with wildlife you ’ ve had whilst paddling ? Probably meeting seals out on the estuaries , though I ’ ve had some great conversations with badgers too .
Have you ever been scared , and if not – what would it take ? Ironically the most scared I ’ ve been was on a Whitewater Safety and Rescue Course where my and my companion ’ s actions failed to recover me from the water before I was swept past and out of sight !
What ’ s your most embarrassing moment ? Possibly the above . Mostly , though , I ’ m too old to care , and it ’ s all learning .
Are there any issues that stop you from sleeping at night ? Too much red wine .
Any fellow paddler you would like to interview and why ? Anybody who has done some proper unsupported wilderness trips .
What do you do to relax ? Err , canoeing ! Actually , any time spent quietly out in nature .
Tell us something people might be surprised to learn about you . I can actually be serious at work !
I ' M A CANOEIST LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT UK RIVER ; WHERE WOULD YOU RECOMMEND IT AND WHY ? That would be a secret ! If you include the whitewater sections too , the Wye would be one that has something for everybody , and despite its popularity , if

“ you choose your time well , you can still have the river to yourself .